AI for Teachers, An Open Textbook: Edition 1



Let's start with what you already know: AI is everywhere and education is not an exception. For some, the future is bright and the coming technologies will allow to make education available to all, and might even help when there are not enough teachers. It will permit the teacher to spend more time on the noble tasks while the machine will take over all the ‘boring’ ones such as grading, organizing the classroom, spending time with each pupil individually or rehearsing the lessons.

For others, these AI algorithms represent a huge danger and the billions of dollars the industry is prepared to invest prove that education is now viewed as a market. Which it is not.

Somewhere in the middle between these very different positions, there are researchers, educators, policy makers who are aware of a number of things: Artificial intelligence is here to stay and will be in the classroom if it is not there already. And no minister -let alone a teacher - will be able to stop this. So, given this fact, how can the teacher harness the beast and use artificial intelligence for the better? How can the teacher make the AI work for the classroom ant not the inverse?

This textbook's purpose is to support the teacher in doing this. It has been built in the context of the Erasmus+ project AI4T (Artificial Intelligence for Teachers). Teams from Ireland, Luxembourg, Italy, Slovenia and France have worked together to propose learning resources for teachers to be able to learn about AI and specifically AI for Education. The learning material and a presentation of the project and its results can be found on AI4T's webpage.

Training teachers is an essential task for all the ministries involved. In the case of Artificial Intelligence it comprises at least the following aspects:

  1. Making the teachers aware of why such a training is a good thing: it can’t be an imposed decision: it has to be shared.
  2. Introducing AI: from our experience of many conferences and workshops, there are always some participants who have explored the topic, have read and digested. But the vast majority has not.
  3. Explaining how AI works in the classroom. What are the mechanisms? What are the key ideas?
  4. Using AI in educative tasks.
  5. Analysing what is happening in the field and being an active actor of the future changes.

We hope the textbook will be able to help you with most of these questions: We analyse the current situation and link AI with the experience of the teachers, and by doing so we hope to encourage them to further stay interested in these questions: there will undoubtedly be new challenges, mistakes made, possibly some strong opposition and some controversies. We have sections called ‘AI Speak’ in which we try to explain why the algorithms work, how the algorithms work. Our goal is to help teachers be informed citizens who can fully participate in the debates and discussions on education and artificial intelligence. Some of the reasons for preparing this material can be found in the video prepared by AI4T.
We believe in the following:

At this point, and before letting you enjoy the reading, we should thank the many who have helped with this textbook.
First and foremost, we have benefited from reading Wayne Holmes’ works and enjoyed many hours of discussions with him.
Discussions also took place within the AI4T consortium in which we organized workshops to get the topics to emerge.
The teachers themselves have been an essential source of information: through seminars and webinars we have been able to exchange our ideas with them, understand which were confusing or plainly wrong.

Whereas many gave valuable opinions, proofread, suggested links and texts, some have added sections to this work:

The textbook is interactive and iterative. Which will allow Jotsna Iyer and I to make the necessary corrections, update, enrich, ...

                                                                La Plaine sur Mer, 31/10/2022

                                                                                              Colin de la Higuera

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