AI for Teachers, An Open Textbook: Edition 1

About the Project

AI4T (Artificial Intelligence for and by Teachers) is an Erasmus+ project. As it is a Key Action 3 project, it includes and is piloted by Ministries. In short, AI4T is based upon the analysis that AI and education is not just a topic for industry and that the education system should be prepared to identify how best to make use of AI in the classroom, reassure the teachers, make them responsible users and start an effective training program of these teachers.

A much longer and more complete presentation of the project can be found on the project webpage.

The project has been presented in public through webinars and conferences, and we usually put forward the following objectives:For such an ambition to be feasible, a strong consortium has been built, with the ministries of education from all 5 countries forming the consortium (France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg and Slovenia), evaluation specialists from all 5 countries and academic teams with expertise in Artificial intelligence and Education. Move on to Acknowledgements , PrefaceThis Version of the textbook or Table of Contents