Partner meeting in Sevres, France

Partner meeting in Sevres, France

On November 15 and 16 we had our first face-to-face partner meeting. It was a kick-off meeting long overdue.

The aim of the meeting was to go over the different work packages, review activities and deliverables, and discuss current issues and discrepancies. Due to some changes right at the beginning of the project, we had some setbacks and organizational challenges. Thus, this meeting was also a risk and mitigation response to ensure the quality implementation of the project.

November 15, afternoon

The first-day agenda was dedicated to work package presentations, discussion, and networking. We reviewed the deliverables, discussed various surveys we plan to execute, and spoke about the MOOC for teachers,

Since we are a pilot project in this area a lot is expected from the results, but at the same time, a lot is still not defined – speaking on a general level. From the starting point, one of our goals was to address and help teachers overcome their fear of artificial intelligence (AI); we strive to encourage the use of AI where it can help teachers and support them with their needs.

November 16, all day meeting

On the morning of the second day, we divided into various working groups to delve into open questions, dilemmas, and a timeline for the coming months. Quite a lot was debated and numerous questions were resolved. We were all quite happy with the results. The work – activities, and tasks for future months were set and we agreed to meet again face-to-face in Slovenia in late spring 2022 (if the COVID situation will allow it).

NOTE: At the meeting, we took into account all the guidelines related to the current situation with regard to health conditions (COVID guidelines of participating countries).

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