Presenting France Education international

Presenting France Education international


Founded in 1945, and a national public institution since 1987, France Éducation international (former CIEP, Centre international d’études pédagogiques), is a public institution of reference on a national and international level, in the field of education and training. Its primary mission is to promote French expertise on the subject. It is recognised both in France and abroad for its skills with regard to expert evaluation, training, assessment, and management of international projects. FEI is a key public operator under the auspices of the Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports. It is, in addition, the main operating partner of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs on cooperation in education. It relies on a network of national and international experts and partners, as well as on its 250 staff members.

Its missions are in line with the government’s international priorities and cover 3 main areas:

  1. Promotion of French language: FEI provides training programmes for teachers and managers and delivers certifications in French.
  2. International mobility: FEI manages mobility programmes for language assistants and teachers. It also delivers comparability certificates for the recognition of foreign qualifications in France.
  3. Cooperation in Education: FEI manages several sectorial projects in the area of education, professional training and higher education.

Who is working on the project

Evelyne Huré is Head of the Europe Unit in the Department for Cooperation in Education of FEI since the 23rd of August 2021. She started her career in 1997 with the creation of the European Voluntary Service in France, which is now identified as the European Solidarity Corps. After sending and hosting hundreds of volunteers, she joined the Erasmus Youth Agency where she became the coordinator of a team of 7 people working on European youth exchanges, youth initiatives and the coordination of public policies’ action in favour of youth under the Erasmus+ Programme for about ten years. With the desire to enrich her skills in the field of formal education, she joined the ranks of the French national education in 2013 as an academic correspondent on “Europe and international cooperation” within the Academy of Versailles. She then joined the French Education ministry in charge of the teachers and students’ mobility development. On a personal matter, she participated in several marathons (Paris, Nice, New York, London (3h27), Berlin), which made her directly sensitive to the participation of people with disabilities in this type of events. She fluently speaks French, English and have good German notions.

Camille Mallez joined the Europe unit team at FEI as a project assistant 2020 and was promoted as Project Manager in 2021 in the Europ Unit with the Department for Cooperation in Education. She graduated from the Sorbonne University with a Masters’ degree in Political Sciences and European Studies. She coordinates the project GATE, funded by the Erasmus+ Programme for the promotion of gender equality in primary schools. She has acquired expertise on financial, contractual, and administrative management of European projects. She has extensive experience in organizational support, briefing note writing and communication, through her positions in public affairs departments within various international groups. She speaks fluently French, English and Spanish.

Lina Rivera, joined the Europe Unit team as project coordinator in March 2022. Having worked at FEI since October 2019, she was previously at the Department of Foreign Diploma Recognition, where she acquired important experience in international cooperation in the field of education, especially with Latin-American and European countries. Graduated from Philosophy at the Universidad del Rosario in Bogota, Colombia, she worked on education both as a teacher and as a researcher. After a master’s degree in Educational Sciences and Project Management from Université Paris-Est-Creteil in Paris, she worked as European project assistant in Hungary, and she participated actively from diverse European projects in France. Peace education and citizen skills development being her centre of interests, she fluently speaks French, Spanish, English and intermediary German, and Portuguese.

Sonya Yovanova, recent joined the Europ Unit team at FEI as a project assistant. She graduated from the University of Cergy-Paris with a Masters’ Degree in European and International Studies. She worked for the French Association E-Seniors where she helped to promote digital inclusion of elderly people. She has experience in Erasmus+ and H2020 projects. She speaks fluently French, English, Bulgarian and Macedonian.

What are our reasons for participation?

FEI, and more precisely the department for cooperation in education provides expertise in many countries from the MENA region, Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, SE Asia or Europe with the aim to give access to education for every pupil, every student wherever he lives in his country. The Covid 19 pandemic has highlighted the improvements to be made in accessing resources, remote and blended learning as well as, especially for teachers, the use of digital tools. AI is at the forefront of concerns as it has the potential to solve some of the most pressing challenges related to economy and education.

As a result, working on the AI4T project would be for FEI an opportunity to develop:

  • its knowledge and expertise in the field of the use of digital tools and technologies in addition to the specificities of the pedagogy implemented.
  • its expertise on this tricky topic and how it could be disseminated in the countries FEI frequently works with, taking into consideration that all of them have a specific context.
  • its experience in management wide projects involving many partners.

It would also be an opportunity for FEI’s digital lab to become more competent on AI. Making connections with people and organizations that could furtherly be mobilized on different projects is also something we are expecting.

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